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kultura in motion

Founded in 2010, KIM’s members combine academic backgrounds in art, management, languages, and have long experience in being involved in Swedish NGO’s and art and civil society projects. KIM has conducted and reported on international projects in cooperation with other NGO’s. Projects include art, cultural, and creative leadership programs in Sweden, UK, Tanzania, and different parts of Ukraine.
KIM bring new perspectives to socio-cultural issues through research, open dialogue and organised seminars, exhibitions, and international collaborations.
With our work we also intend to examine unique and forward-looking ideas, as well as to spread the heritage of Swedish culture and thought beyond our country borders. Using a strong network in the political and educational sphere we have in recent years focused more on international collaborations.
Our partners :
- IL FORM Stockholm
- Point, branding design, Iryna Nikitina, Kiev
- koreograf Maria Joseffson, Stockholm
- tonsättare, Maja Josefsson, Malmö
- Open Place, Kiev
- m.anka, Imola, Italy
- Creapro, Kiev
- Ukrainsk volontär allians, Kiev
- Tadzio, konstgalleri, Jagodovskaja Elena, Kiev
- Gaidai-studio, Kiev
- teater "Dialog", Nikolaev, Ukraina
- koreograf Karin Schmidt
- united Ukraine, Olga Kasjan, politolog, Kiev
- Made with Love / Marlow, Alyona Hester, London
- Ermilov center, Kharkov
- Municipalgalleri, Kharkov
-"Look", Lviv
- CO-Impact, Poltava
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Vi är medlem i Utrikespolitiska institutet
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