kultura in motion

120 min klubb /2016 kunskap / dialog / expertis

feb 13, 20, 2016 / wip:sthlm kl 19.30
vi vill dela våra upplevelse efter möte med regissören Alexander Sokurov på Bergmans vecka/ Fårö juli 2017
Ryske regissören Alexander Sokurov
sept 27, 2016 / wip:sthlm kl 17-20
Games people play / People play games
i samband med utställning Pro&Cons of behaving på wip:sthlm Konsthall
presentation, perfomance, diskussion

jan 17, 2016 / wip:sthlm kl 18.30
Twyla Tharp - The Creative Habit
All it takes to make creativity a part of your life is the willingness to make it a habit. It is the product of preparation and effort, and is within reach of everyone. Whether you are a painter, musician, businessperson, or simply an individual yearning to put your creativity to use, The Creative Habit provides you with 32 practical exercises based on the lessons Twyla Tharp has learned in her remarkable 35-year career.
okt 10, 2106 / wip:sthlm kl 19.30
Vi besökte THE CONFERENCE augusti 16-17 , 2016 Malm / reflektioner kring presentation av
Indy Johar
Indy is a co-founder of 00, a qualified architect and regeneration consultant with particular experience in socially driven sustainability. He has delivered significant large scale multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder projects from Future Planners [with DEMOS, RICS, English Partnerships, CPRE] to Sustainable Suburbia joint funded by RICS, CABE, BURA and NESTA. He has worked on a series of research projects focusing on sustainable futures; from affordable neighbourhoods, future planners, sustainable suburbia to High Utilization workspaces. Indy previously worked at Penoyre & Prasad Architects, leading, wining and delivering several Local Investment Finance Trust [LIFT] health workspace projects within Public Private Partnership [PPP] frameworks. Indy is a Demos Associate and has taught at TU Berlin, University of Bath, Architectural Association and University College London. Indy has recently lectured at Art and Ecology Conference [London], Commission for Architecture and Built Environment, London School of Economics and the Royal Academy.
“An inspiring quote”
Rebooting Democracy https://provocations.darkmatterlabs.org/rebooting-democracy-draft-6dc7b8265fd#.n75u2tsis

apr 12, 2106 / wip:sthlm kl 19.30
Maria Primachenko
maj 13, 2016 / wip:sthlm kl 19.30
Venidikt Erofeev, Moskva-Petushki
Moscow-Petushki, also published as Moscow to the End of the Line, Moscow Stations, and Moscow Circles, is a pseudo-autobiographical postmodernist prose poem by Russian writer and satirist Venedikt Yerofeyev.
Written between 1969 and 1970 and passed around in samizdat, it was first published in 1973 in Israel and later, in 1977, in Paris.
It was published in the Soviet Union only in 1989, during the perestroika era of Soviet history, in the literary almanac Vest' (Весть) and in the magazine Abstinence and Culture (Трезвость и Культура, Trezvost i Kultura) in a slightly abridged form.

aug, 24, 2016 / Söderberg & Partners, Regeringsdatan 45, kl 17.00
Ukraine yesterday and today
Presentation för svensk företag center / org. Söderberg&Partners
Överblick av ukrainsk historia,
gemensam svensk-ukrainsk historia,
historisk sammanfattning av ryska-ukrainska relationer, språk, religion, kultur,